Game Maker Text Box Engine Oil

Download Street Fighter 4 Pc. Creating a textbox engine for a role playing game can be a daunting task. Textboxes seem simple at first, but soon become a nightmare of string functions. In this tutorial series, I will explain how to create an advanced textbox engine for Game Maker Studio. Features include: • Display text in a textbox • Automatic word wrapping • Type-writer effect for displaying text • Textbox can expand onto multiple pages NOTE: I will be creating my textbox engine in a room with the size of 320×240. The size of my textbox will be 288×80.

Text Box Html

Game Maker RPG Game - Part 7: TextBox Engine & NPC. Game Maker Tutorial: RPG Text Box Example - Duration. Rpg Engine WIP Game Maker. Nov 24, 2014 Game Maker RPG Game - Part 7: TextBox Engine & NPC. Game Maker Tutorial: RPG Text Box Example - Duration. Game Maker RPG Game. This is a simple textbox engine to show texts letter by letter with a faceset and your own background design. You can choose whether words are separated, how fast the.

Feel free to use different dimensions! Step 1: Create a new object. Name it obj_textbox. Add a new Create Event. Step 2: In the Create Event of obj_textbox add the following code. This is a list of variables you can edit to customize the textbox engine. Feel free to change any of these variables to suit your needs.

/////////// Edit these values ////////////// // continue sprite – Will be displayed when the textbox is full of text continueSprite = spr_continue; // Speed of continue_sprite image_speed = 0.4; // X position of the continue sprite spriteX = view_wport[ 0] / 2; // Y position of the continue sprite spriteY = view_hport[ 0] – 21; // The background image of the textbox background = bkg_textbox; // Confirm Key confirmKey = ord( ‘X’); // Speed Up Key speedUpKey = ord( ‘Z’); // Determines how many characters will be drawn per iteration. 5 = 5 characters per step characterSpeed = 1; // Determines the number of characters that will drawn when pressing the speed up key maxCharacterSpeed = 1000; // The max Length of the current line text in pixels maxLineLength = 270; // The max amount of lines that can be displayed in the textbox maxNumberOfLines = 3; This textbox engine offers many options for customization!

Some examples // To change the continue sprite continueSprite = “ my_sprite“; spriteX = 20; spriteY = 40; // To change the textbox image background = “my_background”; // To increase the default speed for the textbox characterSpeed = 5; // To change where the word wrapping will occur maxLineLength = 150; // To the number lines to be displayed in the textbox maxNumberOfLines = 2; Step 3: Add the following code to the Create Event for the obj_textbox. //////// No need to edit these! //////////// // The full text being displayed. This is default text. Text = “This is some default text for the textbox”; // Text for type writer effect typeText = “”; // Location of the current character in the string. Text[2] = ‘a’ textPosition = 0; // The current line number of the text lineNumber = 1; // The current line Text. No need to change this lineText = “”; No need to edit any of these variables!

Step 4: Create a new script called textbox. This script will drawn the textbox on screen. Feel free to edit these values as needed!

This entry was posted on 3/21/2018.