John White Pole Shift Pdf Download

John White Pole Shift

NHNE: Pole Shift Torpedoed by Author A NHNE Special Article: Pole Shift Torpedoed by Author Friday, November 15, 1996 (From News Brief 36) By David Sunfellow © Copyright 1996 By NewHeavenNewEarth Published By NewHeavenNewEarth / Please feel free to pass this NHNE Special Article on to as many people as you like. If you do share this NHNE Special Article with others, we ask that you reproduce it in its entirety (including all credits, copyright notices and addresses), not alter its contents in any way, and pass it on to others free of charge. Pole Shift Torpedoed by Author By David Sunfellow When John White first published 'Pole Shift' in 1980, his book sent re-affirming shocks waves through the earth changes community. Many earth change believers (including this reporter) believed White's book 'proved' that Edgar Cayce, and a host of other psychics, had correctly foreseen a global catastrophe that would destroy much of the planet along with major portions of the human race. White's book was particularly powerful because it was written by a man with serious professional credentials and, perhaps more importantly, because it seamlessly wed modern scientific data with contemporary psychics and ancient myths and prophecies. While White refused to say in 'Pole Shift' that he was absolutely certain that a pole shift was coming, he left no doubt that he thought one might strike sometime near the year 2000. Now, however, White has publicly said that he doesn't believe there is going to be a pole shift -- at least the kind of cataclysmic variety envisioned by Cayce, Gordon-Michael Scallion, and others.

John White Pole Shift Pdf Download

And while 'Pole Shift' is still selling like hot cakes (it is presently being published by the A.R.E., Edgar Cayce's organization), the 1995 edition now contains an epilogue that discusses why a pole shift WON'T be visiting planet Earth anytime soon. White also challenged the themes championed in 'Pole Shift' in another book of his published in 1990, 'The Meeting of Science and Spirit.' In that book he writes, 'On the basis of a decade's hindsight, I think that the possibility of a catastrophic pole shift at the end of this century is increasingly unlikely.

Download Splinter Cell Double Agent Ps2 Iso Roms. To be more precise, I do not think a pole shift will occur as predicted.' Since then, White has apparently become even more convinced that a pole shift won't happen. In an interview that appears in the current issue of ATLANTIS RISING (Number 9), White called the possibility of a geological pole shift around the year 2000 'nonsense and fantasy.'

Furthermore, he also believes that there has probably NEVER been a pole shift, although he doesn't rule out the possibility that it could occur someday in the distant future. White is, however, careful to distinguish the difference between a magnetic pole shift and a geological one. While acknowledging that there have been at least 181 occasions recognized by science when the magnetic field of the Earth has completely collapsed and re-established itself in the opposite polarity, White says that these reversals were never accompanied by catastrophes. Bluetooth Serial Connection Matlab Gui. 'Or,' says White, 'certainly not catastrophes of the sort predicted by pole shift theorists and predictors.' White also said that as far as he knows, such magnetic shifts do not occur on any cyclical basis, nor are they triggered by outer-space events. Why, exactly, does White believe a pole shift won't happen?

First, White says that the precursor events foreseen by Cayce, and a host of other psychics, have not taken place as predicted. Second, White believes the Piri Reis Map (a Renaissance map found by Charles Hapgood in the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS in 1959) and a map drawn by Oronteus Finaeus in 1532 are not accurate maps of an ice-free Antarctica. Pole-shift theorists have cited them as evidence that the continent was free of thick layers of ice and snow within the last 12,000 years and that its current ice-locked condition happened very quickly (perhaps in hours or days).

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This entry was posted on 4/17/2018.